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Hello there, Friend


I’m glad you’re here. I look forward to getting to know you.
At Susiebloom we motivate and encourage each other to
grow through life, not just go through life. To bloom a little
every day and nurture our innate awesomeness. After all,
we are born to bloom! We are meant to grow! We can
learn from our choices, create healthy habits, and live with
intention and purpose.


Life can be a big ole’ pile of dung sometimes (and that’s putting it nicely), but it can become a mound of beautiful wildflowers if we just keep blooming together.

Connect with me here, on my podcast, on social media, through my monthly Bloom Boldly Bulletin, and our online workshops.

Make it a marvelous day!


Me as a spunky little ragamuffin, filled with curiosity, and confidence. I loved going to the library, the roller rink, riding my red Schwinn ten speed, and dance class. I was always outside with friends or inside creating, coloring, and listening to records. I loved my doll and singing at church.


I am so grateful for my three wonderful children, fabulous son-in-law, and devoted, hard-working husband. I also feel very fortunate to have the supportive and loving extended family and close friends that I do. They are my greatest blessings.

I still love singing and all kinds of music. I still love dancing, reading, writing, and creating. I also love to swing on swings whenever I get the chance, still roller skate occasionally (though I’m much more careful now, haha), and I think leisurely bike rides are delightful. I love photography and take tons of pictures while walking in the great outdoors. I’ve discovered the benefits of deep breathing practices, meditation, prayer, and yoga.

I consider hugs a necessity of life and give and receive them as much as possible. Despite life’s ups and downs, I’m an incurable optimist, enthusiastic about life and learning, with a heart full of love and joy to share.

Keep Blooming!

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